Our Curriculum

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Bishop Luffa Curriculum Aims

Approved by Board of Governors on 5th April 2022.

Bishop Luffa School is part of the Bishop Luffa Learning Partnership. All schools within the partnership have a common vision:

John 10 v10: I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness

At Bishop Luffa School we have added our motto:

Always our best because everyone matters

Our school vision is underpinned by the following aims.

We will:

Our Curriculum

Bishop Luffa School has a strong religious character and strives to be a school of hope. The curriculum at Bishop Luffa school aims to meet the needs of all students by providing opportunities for challenge and success. We pride ourselves on having a curriculum which is:

Our Key Stage 3 Curriculum

To live out our vision, we believe it is important for students to explore a full range of both academic and creative subjects. There is a strong culture of the Arts within our school community which means that time is given at KS3 to all Arts disciplines. At KS3 subjects include English, Maths, Science, Art, Drama, Foreign Languages (Spanish, French, German and Latin), Geography, History, Computing, Music, Personal Social Health Economic education (PSHE), Physical Education(PE), Religious Education(RE) and Design and Technology.

Students are supported in their transition to secondary school by remaining in tutor groups for the majority of their lessons which provides time for strong friendships to develop. In year 8 students are in mixed paired houses for most of their lessons and in year 9 in half year group classes as they prepare to be in whole school classes in KS4. There is a limited setting of students in KS3; most classes are mixed ability with setting in Maths and banding in English.

In Year 7 all students have an extended experience of Latin, French, Spanish and German exposing them to language and culture before choosing which option they wish to follow into Years 8 and 9.

In Year 8 most students continue with the learning of a foreign language that they may then pursue to GCSE. Some students undertake a communication studies course instead. This course works to develop literacy and support progression in English to enable students to have the foundations to access a wider range of subjects at Key Stage 4.

In Year 9 students personalise their curriculum further:

Alongside the taught curriculum, students follow a rich tutor worship programme called ‘Connect’ within their tutor time and assemblies. This allows students time and space for reflection, worship and further spiritual development.

Throughout KS3 the PSHE programme includes the statutory elements of Relationship and Sex Education. Topics covered in each term are shared with parents and carers to support discussions around topics and to provide opportunity for any concerns to be raised.

Our PSHE and RE curriculum are particularly important in ensuring our students develop as religiously literate and culturally aware citizens. Through PSHE students also receive Information Advice and Guidance on future careers. This is supplemented by Enterprise days, careers fairs and the use of online tools.

Our Key Stage 4 Curriculum (KS4)

All subjects taught in KS3 have onward pathways into our KS4 curriculum through GCSE or vocational routes. Our ‘Options’ process at the end of year 9 allows students greater personalisation of their curriculum, with additional subjects not available at KS3 also on offer.

In KS4, students have enhanced time for the core subjects of English and Maths. Whilst all schools are required to make provision for the teaching of Religious Education, as a Church School all students benefit from taking the Humanities subject GCSE Religious Studies, focused on philosophy, ethics and the study of religion and worldviews.

Curriculum time for PE recognises the importance of health and fitness in our lives and provides the opportunity for students to gain the Sports leaders qualification. The skills and knowledge developed through the study of science enable our students to become educated citizens capable of engaging in public discussions, comprehending and analysing global issues. The skills developed by learning another language, alongside the importance of learning about other societies and cultures, mean that it is the expectation that students who achieve a step 4 in the spring of year 9 continue with language learning to KS4.

Within this framework, which can accommodate the ‘English Baccalaureate’, most students will take nine level 2 courses. To enable all students to flourish we offer GCSE, BTEC Diplomas and OCR national courses for those who find this assessment pathway more accessible and Level 2 Functional Skills in English and IT for those who need a curriculum adjustment to support success in their exam courses. Through the curriculum offered at Bishop Luffa Launch pad, extended work experience and a range of other vocational qualifications we are able to reach out, support and offer hope to some of our most vulnerable pupils, who struggle to engage due to mental health, or social, emotional need.

The curriculum is continually under review and, in creating our offer, we are careful to listen to student demand and respond to changes.

Alongside the taught curriculum, students continue to participate in the rich tutorial based worship programme, ‘Connect’, within their form time and in Collective Worship assemblies aimed at developing their exploration of meaning, and creating opportunity for worship and spiritual growth. Students are supported to engage in their world through a full PSHE programme designed to help them flourish and develop.
The Information advice and guidance programme all students receive allow them to undertake a week’s work experience in Year 10 and take part in Enterprise activities where they get to work with people from industry.

Parents and carers of students taking their GCSEs may find the GCSE Factsheet for Parents helpful as it explains the new grading system.

Our Key Stage 5 Curriculum (KS5)

Our Key Stage 3 and 4 principles continue into the Sixth Form enabling clear lines of progression so students can follow through their subject passions and pursue their career aspirations. We are pleased to offer thirty one Advanced level subjects including facilitating and specialist subjects, some of which are new at KS5. Alongside this, students study the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) where they can expand their understanding on a theme of their choice or complete Core Maths. Students take part in PSHE, access careers advice and, as part of the national entitlement for all students in school sixth forms, they have opportunities for wider spiritual, philosophical and ethical education. The curriculum is built around student choice after a Year 11 Taster Day and an interview with the Head of Sixth Form (students can study three, with some scope for four A levels).

We aim to give students a sense of control over their Sixth Form programme enabling a broad education offering wide choice and essential skills for a rapidly-changing world.

Visit the Sixth Form website to find out more. https://www.bishopluffa.org.uk/sixth-form/