Student Case Studies


‘Hi, I’m Lily! I am an external student who joined Bishop Luffa Sixth Form from Chichester Free School and am currently studying English Literature, Media Studies and Sociology.

Since starting Bishop Luffa Sixth Form my passion for these subjects has only intensified with the encouragement from my teachers and peers. I am always pushed to aim high and thoroughly supported with my short and long term goals for each subject.

Being an external student there were many aspects that attracted me to Bishop Luffa Sixth Form such as it being easily accessible through public transport, the exceptional results and the variety of opportunities it presents outside of academic work. One of these opportunities being The Sixth Form Fashion Show, which was a particular highlight of mine! The Fashion Show is a great break from academic work and really brings the buzzing community of the Sixth Form to life. Being on The Sixth Form Committee as Head of Communications has also allowed me to expand my interest and love for media as well as directly being involved in the school's community. Working as a digital ambassador to help post on the school's Instagram page has also allowed my passion of media to flourish. Bishop Luffa has always supported me with my studies and the wide variety of opportunities and events it hosts have helped make my time here fulfilling, fun and enriching.

I am applying to study Cultural and Media Studies at University. Bishop Luffa has been extremely supportive helping with my UCAS application process and provided all the information needed. Before I start university, I want to take a gap year and travel around Europe. Bishop Luffa has been extremely enthusiastic, supportive and interested in my next steps which has given me more confidence in the future and what lies ahead. Bishop Luffa is a school where every student will flourish and be included in its wonderful community.’


‘Hi, I’m Alex! I am currently studying English Literature, Law, Theatre Studies, and took AS Latin in my first year of Sixth Form. Since starting Bishop Luffa Sixth Form, my passion for these subjects has been nurtured and encouraged, I have been pushed to always aim high and been supported with my aspirations.

I have also had the opportunity to get involved with so many activities outside of my academic work that have both furthered my learning and provided a great break! Playing the role of a defence barrister in our Bar Mock Trial team was great fun and furthered my love of law, giving me a different perspective on what I learn in lessons. Being the Burrows House Captain and later being elected as School Captain has given me the opportunity to get involved with the school community, support our selected charities, direct a House Drama production, and work to implement changes in our school.

Bishop Luffa Charity Week and the Sixth Form Fashion Show are part of what creates our community ethos, everyone gets involved and has a great time! Bishop Luffa has always supported me with the things that I love, both inside and outside of school. I am greatly involved with Chichester Festival Theatre, performing in the Christmas Youth Theatre production each year, something that Bishop Luffa has always been an advocate for our engagement with.’


‘Hi, I’m Jasmine. I study Biology, Chemistry, Maths, and French. These subjects have allowed me to pursue my love of sciences as well as languages – something I really value as a dual national!

Sixth Form has also enabled me to get involved in mentoring, fashion show, and academic opportunities, such as providing French speaking practice for GCSE students.

After Sixth Form I plan to go on to study medicine at university, and hopefully continue on into a career as a doctor.

Bishop Luffa Sixth Form attracted me because of its academic nature, as well as the opportunities to get involved in musical and charity events.  Since joining Sixth Form I have really benefited from the extra pastoral support and advice on matters such as my university application.’


‘I'm Wilf, and I take four A-levels. They are:

Computer science - My main area of interest which I find utterly fascinating. the evolution of technology is an issue of real importance in our society, and studying computer science has opened my eyes to this.

Maths - I find the logic and patterns of maths really interesting, and nothing feels better than finally figuring out how to solve a problem you've been trying to solve. I love puzzles, and that's all that maths is.

Physics - I'm really intrigued by how the world works, and physics has enabled me to learn about the forces that govern our world and the fascinating ways they work.

Classical Civilisations - I picked this subject on a whim as my fourth A-level, after I couldn't take drama, but I am so glad that I did. Studying the literature of Ancient Greece and Rome has been brilliant. The issues their texts deal with still resonate thousands of years later, and it has provided a nice balance to the number-crunching of my other three A-levels.

Aside from my studies, I've taken on a variety of roles and responsibilities within school. In Year 12 I was Sherborne's House captain, and now in Year 13 I am Chair of the Sixth Form Committee, a role that allows me to make a real difference in our community. Aside from that I directed Sherborne's House drama play, Animal Farm, which placed in the top 3. I tutor maths to struggling Year 7s after school and I have run a few different computer science clubs during Year 12.

After Sixth Form, I'm hoping to study Computer Science and Philosophy at Oxford. The advancing field of artificial intelligence is incredibly interesting, and one of the most important fields of research at the moment.

I chose Bishop Luffa due to my familiarity with the school. I spent five years in the lower school seeing Sixth Formers around, watching the fun events they threw, and I wanted to be a part of it. My sister is a part of the lower school, and it's really lovely to be able to connect with her through inter-year activities like House drama. The teachers are all brilliant, and the sense of community is really strong, both within the Sixth Form itself and in the wider school community.

Amy JoyceAmy

Hey I’m Amy! I study Biology, Chemistry, Spanish and last year I wrote an EPQ all about pedigree dog breeding. My subjects have been interesting and I know that when I leave Luffa I will be totally prepared for the science of veterinary medicine, and also be a fluent speaker of Spanish. I am currently in the process of applying to Veterinary Medicine and I am hoping to study at RVC the most prestigious Vet School in the world after spending a week of the summer there! Bishop Luffa Sixth Form has been so supportive, from allowing me to take extra work experience weeks, to organising trips to Universities, which has made applying to Vet Med much easier!

During Year 12 I took part in everything I could - I was a House Captain, a mentor, a Spanish tutor, was in the fashion show and now this year I am School Captain. It is these opportunities that made me want to stay at Luffa as they are what make Sixth Form not just an academic place but also a place to make friends and have fun! Furthermore, these are all great opportunities to increase super curriculars which has made my UCAS application so much easier to write! I love being part of this Sixth Form as it is so different from high school - you are given so much more freedom, however you still receive a lot of support from your teachers which is so important as A-Levels can be tricky. Overall, I have loved my time at Sixth Form and am excited to spend the year as School Captain before heading off to University to study Veterinary Medicine!


At A level I study PE, Economics and Geography. I enjoy these subjects as they are largely different from each other which means that I learn about a great combination of different things. I love sport and I spend most of my recreational time doing this by playing rugby and cricket. I have also played rugby for the Sixth Form team, as well as playing for the Bishop Luffa XI against the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC).

After Sixth Form I plan on going to university and continuing my education eventually finding a career in an industry I enjoy, hopefully where I am able to travel whilst working.

I chose Bishop Luffa Sixth Form as I felt that I would receive the best help in both curriculum and extracurricular activities. I also enjoyed the welcoming atmosphere and the common goal of all wanting to achieve to the highest standard.

I like Bishop Luffa as I see it as a place with a great community inside and outside. There are lots of opportunities and people are always willing to take them and this sense of community makes it seem comfortable and easy going.


I take mathematics, history, and economics, with a human-rights related EPQ. I chose these subjects as they align well with my interests academically, for instance, with history, I enjoy learning how past events evolve into modern life and constructing arguments about these events in the form of an essay. Maths for me, is also always something I've enjoyed and learning how to apply critical reasoning to seemingly abstract and challenging problems is quite stimulating. Economics is a subject with financial and global links and learning how different situations affect the UK and the world both micro and macro-economically is also very engaging.

The school has a wide range of activities. Most notably, I took part in the Bar Mock Trial, resulting in our team winning the regional finals which was very helpful for debating and public speaking. I also played cricket for the school, being selected for a traditional match against the MCC, as well as taking part in charity events such as the fashion show, both being greatly enjoyable.

My plans after Sixth Form are to read law at university, and enter into practice as a barrister. I chose Bishop Luffa Sixth Form as I believe they will be very helpful in these crucial stages, offering help with university applications, personal statements, and interviews. The support, variety of subjects, and the host of activities available made the Sixth Form second to none. What I like in particular about Luffa Sixth Form is the aspect of independence that teachers give to students. There is a good balance between teacher-led lessons and independent lessons, which is beneficial because it hones time management skills for one, but also best prepares you for the study environment of university/further education.


I am currently studying art, maths and economics. In Year 12 I completed an EPQ on the impacts of fast fashion and what drives the industry. This really helped when applying real life examples in economics. I have recently taken on the role of being an academic ambassador and a peer mentor for Year 12s and lower school.

After Sixth Form I plan to study economics at Newcastle University. I chose Bishop Luffa Sixth Form because being an external student, I was looking for a smaller, close community where each subject teacher is very invested in your interests. Luffa offers so much support both academically and mentally and has many resources to help you in so many areas. Both the silent study and the art studio space is where I like to spend a lot of my time. I really recommend this Sixth Form for any art students as it has so much studio space and art teachers who help you develop many new techniques and find your own style.


I am taking Music, Business, and Media Studies. I enjoy Music because since I was a kid, it has always been a part of me. I use Music as an escape from the world and to clear out my mind by playing, singing, composing, and listening. I enjoy Business Studies as it is giving me an understanding of how the world and businesses work, through starting as a sole trader, from a significant market share holder like Apple. Lastly, I enjoy Media because of my curiosity; about how a person can create images by simply just posters, or the much more complex ones such as videos, trailers etc.

Since I am passionate about music, I have taken part in every event that involves music such as performance platforms, Battle of the Bands etc. After Sixth Form I’m planning to take on a job in Media as an apprentice as it is a fast-growing industry. I enjoy filming, editing, creating content etc. that catches people’s attention and am very excited to show what I am capable of to the media universe. Alongside this career, I’m also planning to create, write and publish my own music because it has been my childhood dream to one day perform in front of tens of thousands of people, and furthermore I would love to see and hear the audience singing songs that I have written!

I chose Bishop Luffa Sixth Form because of one reason only; It is the best school around in Chichester. It has the reputation of it and strongly stands by it. Teachers are very supportive when it comes to our future after Sixth Form, the subjects that we take if we need help, and they are always there to support us in any kind of difficulty and problems that we might have as not just a student, but also a teenager (jobs, relationships etc.) 

What I like about the Bishop Luffa Sixth Form is that it feels like a family. Everyone is really friendly and approachable even if you are not part of their friend group, they are always open to have conversations about subjects and other general topics. I also like the events that are being held every year such as the Fashion Show, Performance Platform, and most importantly the Battle of the Bands. These events helps us students to show off our extra curricular skills and in some way, releasing us in the moments of pressure from the workload, the Sixth Form itself, and other subjects.