Clergy Team

The Clergy Team support students at Bishop Luffa School as they explore the Christian faith. The team is drawn from different Christian traditions, so during a student’s time at Bishop Luffa they are able to experience a full range of worship.

The Clergy Team lead Worship, visit tutor groups, contribute to the Connect programme and support students at transition points, such as the Leavers’ Service.

The Clergy Team are:

Father Phillip Amey

Father Phillip Amey

School Chaplain

Rev Paul Collins Large

Reverend Paul Collins

Year 7

I am ordained in the Church of England and lead Immanuel Church which meets at Bishop Luffa School. Before ordination I was a police officer with the Metropolitan Police Service, leaving this after 11 years to attend St John’s Nottingham for ordination training. My curacy was in Oxford Diocese and having completed this I joined the Royal Air Force as a chaplain. I returned to parish ministry, again in the diocese of Oxford before moving to Chichester in 2017 to take up my current role. In my spare time I am chaplain in the Army Reserves and enjoy running and keeping fit. I am married to Lorraine, a local primary school teacher and have four children.

Mother Jessica

Mother Jessica Reid

Year 8

I’m the vicar of Fishbourne and Apuldram, having just moved from Brighton where I served my curacy. I love difficult questions, and thinking about how God’s love helps transform us so that we can change the world. I think the Bible shows us that the smallest of deeds can have a huge impact, and that the most ordinary things we do can become holy. I'm excited to join the Bishop Luffa community and get to know the students and staff.

Andy Morgan

Reverend Andy Morgan

Year 9

I have been part of the clergy team here since 2013 and really enjoy spending time with Year 9 here at Bishop Luffa where I aim to share God's love with them and help them think for themselves about the Christian faith. I live locally with my family and dog, and am one of the ministers at Chichester Baptist Church where I lead the youth work.

Reverend Jo King

Reverend Jo King

Year 10

To get my name right, might require a short lesson on the importance of the pause, I am Rev Jo ….. King, not Reverend Joking, the pause makes all the difference. I am the ‘very serious’ vicar of Holy Cross Church in North Bersted and have been part of the clergy team here since 2015. My background is in teaching and I have taught most things from Year 2, (can you believe they can’t tie their shoelaces,) to Year 11 maths, (can you believe some of them think maths is boring.) I enjoy hanging out at school and my constant aim is to remind as many people as possible that God is all about love and never about judgement. If only we could all be better at remembering that we are called to follow this example, the world would be a much better place.

Bruno 1

Pastor Bruno Kondabéka

Year 11

Originally from the Republic of Congo (capital city Brazzaville), my journey to the UK was via university in France and theological training in South Africa. I have been part of the clergy team for more years than I can remember. I am certainly the longest serving member of the team. I am married (to one wife) and have 3 boys, who have all been through Bishop Luffa. I have been part of church leadership in the city since 1995. I love life, love people and love God. I know I should not have favorites, but the Year 11s are definitely my favorites and I love nothing more than to try and add a little value to their lives.

James Baron photo

James Baron

Sixth Form

I gained an Engineering degree from Cambridge University before joining a firm of Civil Engineering Consultants, mainly designing and planning roads and bridges. I was playing Rugby for Saracens at that time.

I switched to teaching at Harrow School in North West London, so I could continue to coach Rugby, and teach Maths. I led Rugby Tours to Australia and South Africa. I was involved with the Christian meeting. I started to lead the Christian meeting, and then joined the chaplaincy team of six at the school. I helped lead services in chapel, led confirmation groups, Bible Study/prayer groups, and was available for pastoral and spiritual help. I also ran the RAF section of the CCF, and also helped to lead Christian teenage holidays, which I still do. I was a Housemaster, in charge of the pastoral and academic needs of 100 boys. This also involved advising on University Applications and exam choices.

More recently I ran the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme at the school and I still help as an Expedition assessor. I also ran the entry tests. I was at the same school for 38 years, regularly changing roles within the School. My work with the chaplaincy team and running the school Christian meeting was a constant throughout this time. My wife and I retired five years ago from teaching.

My wife Vanessa has been ordained for over 30 years. She was chaplain and Head of Religious Studies at St Paul's Girls school in London and took on a House for Duty parish at Lyminster. I started to lead the Prison Fellowship team going onto nearby Ford Prison. I have been a Lay Chaplain there since then. This involves helping the full-time chaplains in any way I can, including leading services, running 'Sycamore Tree' Restorative Justice courses, helping to lead Alpha courses, and running confirmation and fellowship groups. A year ago the Bishop asked Vanessa to apply to be Canon Treasurer at the Cathedral, and so we moved to Chichester. I now am part of the fellowships at both St Pancras Church and the Cathedral. I also work part-time as the Office administrator in the Bishop's Office.

Reverend Tim Ward

Reverend Tim Ward

Sixth Form

Reverend Alison Green

Reverend Alison Green

Sixth Form

I am the University Chaplain at Chichester University and have been Chaplain here since 2017. Before ordination I worked as a doctor in the NHS; mainly as a Community Paediatrician based in Leigh Park, Havant. My children attended Bishop Luffa and as a result I became a Parent Governor and was Chair of Governors from 2006-2011. I then went off to Theological College in Cambridge and following ordination in 2013 served my curacy at Chichester Cathedral. During that time I was the Year 8 Chaplain and more recently I have been one of the 6th Form Chaplains. I am also Chaplain to Bognor Regis Sea Cadets which suggests that Chaplaincy is addictive!