Extra-curricular and Enrichment Opportunities

Sixth Form students have many opportunities to take on positions of leadership and responsibility within the school and Sixth Form. The most significant of this is the Sixth Form Committee, a vital part in the student leadership in the school. Positions on the Committee are for Year 13 students and are decided after a formal interview procedure in the May of Year 12. Committee members have specific leadership responsibilities and receive a day’s training before embarking on that role.

The NHS Volunteering Scheme programme allows students to work in the local community, developing a range of experiences and skills of great use when applying for university or a job. All Sixth Formers also complete a week of Work Experience in the summer term of Year 12, support is provided to help get this organised.

There are opportunities for Sixth Form students to mentor pupils in the main school and also help lower school pupils with reading. Links are maintained with the school’s House system too. The House Drama Festival gives Year 12 students the chance to lead and direct lower school pupils in their House play and compete for the prestigious Shippam Trophy.

Each year, we enter a team in the Bar National Mock Trial competition. As Regional Champions twice in the last few years, students have competed in the National Finals in the Old Bailey, London and the Royal Courts of Justice, Belfast. Many students undertake the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. Sixth formers have the opportunity to join and lead choirs, bands and orchestras. They also have access to the school’s PE facilities and many play competitive fixtures.

Everyone enjoys the Sixth Form Fashion Show and Charity Week, which are lead and coordinated by Sixth formers. These high profile events raise significant sums of money for the charities we support. £16,500 was raised in 2023-24 and a group of students visited Tanzania this summer to see how the money they raised for Grassroots is being put to good use.

The social life of the Sixth Form is absorbing and varied, with the Winter Ball and the Summer Leavers’ Ball amongst the highlights.

Each subject area also offers a wealth of extension activities from visiting conferences and lectures to trips abroad. Recent opportunities include: the Arts Faculty study tour to New York, the Humanities field trip to California, and the Physics trip to CERN, Geneva.

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