Induction and Parents & Carers Consultation Evenings

All parents and carers will receive a message prior to the Parents & Carers Consultation Evening setting out when the booking system will be open for each event.

This year we are undertaking virtual Parent Consultation Evenings and are using video appointments from Parents Evening system. This is not the same a physical parents and carers evening, but I am sure you understand that the current pandemic prevents us from being able to have you in school.

  • There are some points you need to be aware of:
  • The system uses the same booking system from as previous evenings - A guide is provided below to remind you how this is done.
  • The appointments are 5 minutes long and will end at 5 minutes - teachers do not have control over this.
  • Appointments start at the time stated and will finish 5 minutes after this time.
  • We have enabled notes on the booking system so if there are particular points you would like to discuss you can share these with the teacher ahead of the meeting to get the most from the meeting.
  • There is a feature which allows you as a parent or carer to add another parent or carer to your appointments. If you would like to enable this feature please read the attached guide which explains how this can be done.

The link to the booking system is

Please make sure you have a good internet connection for the meeting so that the video and audio is clear. We recommend where possible you turn the video on as this does give a sense that you are talking face to face, your child is very welcome to join through the same camera.

If you do not have access to the Internet, please contact the school via a dedicated parent’s evening email address: or answerphone on 01243 832683. Please leave a message outlining your requirements and the school will ask teachers to call you to discuss your child’s progress. We will require details of the name of your child, tutor group, your name, contact telephone number and the list of five subject teachers you would like to speak to. Video appointments from the Parents Evening System has few system requirements and we hope you find it quite intuitive.