Drama & Theatre Studies

Contact Teacher: Mrs N Furnell, Drama Team Leader

Exam Board: EDEXCEL


Through Drama we learn to work productively together under pressure, to co-operate, to find the best way for each member of a group to contribute, and to listen to and accept the viewpoints and contributions of others. Drama allows us to communicate with and understand others in new ways. Drama enables us to gain confidence in speaking in public, to be more persuasive in all communications, written and oral, better able to put ourselves into others' shoes and relate to them, and have a more positive, confident self-image. Drama develops self control and discipline that will serve our students well in all aspects of life. No art form is more collaborative. Drama develops verbal and non- verbal, individual and group communication skills. Drama is an important tool for communicating effectively as part of a team.

Drama enhances our students' creative abilities developing our imagination to hone skills for thinking ‘outside the box’ and responding to situations in original and innovative ways. Drama helps us to respond and adapt to problems and situations quickly, creatively and effectively.

By playing other characters in other contexts, drama enables us to question who we are, why we are here and challenge our existing ideas. We can reflect on our own values and beliefs. We can experiment with various personal choices and solutions to problems. In order to play a role, we must be able to fully inhabit another's shoes. We start to be able to really understand how the world looks through another person's eyes. Drama develops empathy.

Through rehearsal and improvisation, we explore connections with each other, share stories, and develop our expression. We develop the world of wonder and play. Drama provides a safe space for students to continue questioning, exploring and teasing out new ideas and ways of living and thinking. Drama can provide an outlet for emotions, and ideas that we might not otherwise have means to express. Drama provides our students with a better understanding and confidence of themselves and a broader understanding and tolerance of our world. In today's polarized and intolerant culture, the ability to understand others' motives and choices is critical. Drama can help build responsible global citizens.

Drama is not about being the best performer or the next Hollywood star, it is about creating and making, exploring and responding in the search of our true selves and meaningful connections with others and the world around us.

Drama Learning Journey

This is a visual representation of how students' knowledge and skills develop through the Drama curriculum.

(click on the image below to view a larger version)

A Level Drama Theatre Arts Learning Journey

Why study Drama and Theatre Studies?

Drama and Theatre Studies will offer you a varied and engaging study of the world of the theatre. It is a challenging, exciting and hugely rewarding course. You will gain a critical knowledge and understanding of Drama from its origins to the present day. You will perform in productions and participate in workshops as well as undertaking written exam work and coursework. The focus at all times will be on depth and quality within the work. This comes from the complete integration of reflection within the practice of creative Drama.

Course details

Component 1
This unit requires the creation of a unique and original piece of theatre. You will be assessed on both the process of creation and the finished product in the form of a performance to an invited audience.

Component 2
Text in performance
You will be required to perform either a monologue or duologue and contribute to a performance of a professionally published play by a known writer. Both performances will take place in front of an invited audience.

Component 3
Theatre makers in practice
This is an externally assessed written exam. You will be required to answer questions in three different sections. Section A relates to a live theatre performance that you have seen during the course. Section B and C will relate to a chosen set text and how you would interpret this play in performance.

How the course is taught and assessed

The course is both academic and practical. Plays are explored in detail and viewed in the light of theatre practitioners. Live theatre is visited at set points over the two years and is always encouraged. Practical work is integral to the course and forms a significant part of your final mark, including creating and performing a piece of your own.

Entry requirements

Grade 6 or above in GCSE Drama (not required if subject wasn't studied at GCSE). Grade 5 or above in GCSE English Language and Literature.