
Ofsted Outstanding OP ColourOfsted inspected the school on the 30th November and 1st December 2022 and judged the school to be Outstanding in all categories. The full report can be found by clicking on this link - Ofsted Report December 2022.

SIAMS ExcellentThe school was judged by the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist School team as Excellent in March 2020.


 Eco Schools 2023 24In July 2023 we were delighted that we were advised that we have been successful in retaining our Eco School status and are now the proud recipients of an Eco School Flag to fly outside school!


ISA badge 2024 27 colour 2We are delighted to announce that Bishop Luffa School has again been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of our work to bring the world into the classroom. The school has earned this accreditation through its inspirational international work and links with schools abroad. By embedding an international dimension in children’s education, we are preparing our students for successful lives in the UK or further afield, empowering them to be global citizens and have access to vital opportunities in an increasingly global economy. 

REQM Gold LogoWe are delighted that Bishop Luffa School now holds its third Gold RE Quality Mark, having originally been awarded in July 2015. This award recognises the school's outstanding RE provision and the RE team’s contribution to the wider RE community both locally and nationally. We are proud to have been given the first Gold award on the South Coast. The REQM celebrates high quality RE that offers pupils authentic experiences and a thought-provoking range of enquiry-based learning styles. It provides them with the chance to explore the big ideas of religion and belief and to think about what matters in their own lives. Good RE supports the development of the whole child.

Artsmark GoldThe School was awarded Artsmark Gold Award in June 2014. Artsmark is Arts Council England’s flagship programme which enables schools and other organisations to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their arts and cultural provision. It is delivered by Trinity College London and 10 regional Bridge organisations drive participation. Achieving Artsmark Gold status demonstrates that Bishop Luffa has a number of very special qualities. It demonstrates that we:

  • have an excellent arts and cultural offer
  • are forward thinking and open to development
  • are committed to investing in our staff and young people
  • are committed to listening to our students and providing opportunities for our community
  • have an effective approach to building sustainable relationships with arts and cultural organisations
  • value the arts and culture through a broad and balanced curriculum


Gold Award No DatesThe School has against been awarded the School Games Gold Mark. The School Games Mark is a Government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community.


national healthy schoolsBishop Luffa School achieved Healthy Schools status in 2007 with annual accreditation. The National Healthy Schools Award is about the promotion of well-being amongst all the pupils and staff of the school. This means that we are committed to the following:

  • An interesting PSHE (personal, social and health programme) that is relevant to our pupils
  • The promotion of healthy eating, both in the curriculum and in the food on sale in the school canteen
  • The encouragement of physical activity as a means to a helthier, happier life; this is promoted through a range of extra-curricular clubs, as well as in PE lessons
  • A caring and rigorous advice and guidance system which aims to boost pupils’ self-esteem, happiness and educational attainment throughout their time with us

investor in peopleBishop Luffa School is regularly recognised as an Investor in People. The school was reassessed in 2023 and in recognition of our continued Investment in People we have been re-awarded the Investor in People status. The Investors in People Standard provides a framework that helps organisations to improve performance and realise objectives through the effective management and development of their people. Everyone agrees that people are an organisation’s greatest asset, and we all know that for an organisation to succeed everyone has to perform well. To achieve this, people need the right knowledge, skills and motivation to work efficiently. No matter what the size or type of your organisation, the Investors in People Standard is there to help you improve the way you work. You have to meet the same criteria – or ‘indicators’ – as other organisations, but the Standard recognises that you will meet them in your own way. Investors in People recognises that organisations use different means to achieve success through their people. The Standard does not prescribe any one method, but it provides a framework to help you find the most suitable means for achieving success through your people.

Music Mark 2023The school is proud to be a Music Mark School in recognition of a commitment to providing a high-quality music education for all children and young people.