Mathematics and Further Mathematics

Contact Teacher: Mr M Healy, Acting Head of Mathematics & Mr D Clarke, Head of KS5 Maths


Inspiring and developing a lifelong curiosity in Maths. Through Map, Master and Move on, our learners are able to acquire the knowledge and fluency to reach their full mathematical potential and succeed at GCSE and beyond. They will learn in an environment where they feel confident to take the necessary risks to challenge themselves. Our supportive and dynamic teaching will allow them to become resilient, independent and analytical problem solvers.

The school vision of “Life in all its fullness” underpins the Maths curriculum through the key stages. Our pathways through Key Stage 3 tailor provision based on prior attainment and allow us to provide the necessary support and extension to all pupils. With the support of HegartyMaths our learners can progress through both directed and independent study to become proficient and confident mathematicians.

Maths Learning Journey

This is a visual representation of how students' knowledge and skills develop through the Maths Foundation & Higher curriculum.

(click on the image below to view a larger version)

Maths Foundation Learning Journey  Maths Higher Learning Journey

Year 12 and 13 A'Level Mathematics

In Year 12 we spend time building on the key GCSE foundation strands of Number, Algebra, Shape and Statistics. In addition to broadening both our students’ knowledge base and skills, we devote time to developing problem solving skills. This is not only key to success in the subject, but builds a useful transferable skill for future study. Technology is at the heart of our curriculum, with students becoming proficient in the use of graphing calculators and packages, and spreadsheets for manipulating and representing data, in order to gain an understanding of the information we are presented with.

In Year 13, these topics are explored further, with practical applications being investigated. Students also explore the modelling cycle within not only their pure maths topics, but also with their applied topics of statistics and mechanics.

Link to the Scheme of Work your child will be following:

Year 12 and 13 Scheme of Work and Timing (this will be added to the website shortly)

In school we utilise a range of powerful learning resources to help build the students’ understanding.

We use the Hodder A level textbooks shown below. Each student will have access to a physical copy of the AS textbook for both Year 12 and Year 13, and the A2 textbook for Year 13. Currently we are able to offer access to electronic copies of the textbooks too, via the Hodder Dynamic Learning platform.


A Level Year 1 A Level Year 2

In addition, we widely use the Integral online platform within our teaching. This is a site developed by MEI (Maths in Education and Industry) who are also instrumental in writing and developing the A level specification we teach. The site is a source of notes, examples, exercises, online tests, illustrative apps and useful links. Each student has their own personal login to this site for the two year course of study.

Link to Integral Maths

Integral Maths

Year 12 and 13 A level Further Mathematics

This course is for those who are keen to study Mathematics to the highest level, and must be studied in conjunction with A level Mathematics. There are different options available for the study of this qualification, but currently the pathway of study is as follows:

Year 12:

  • Further Core Maths AS (3 lessons per fortnight)
  • Further Mechanics (2 lessons per fortnight)
  • Further Statistics (2 lessons per fortnight)

Year 13:

  • Further Core Maths A2 (6 lessons per fortnight)
  • Further Numerical Methods (3 lessons per fortnight)

The link to the Scheme of Work your child will be following is here:

Year 12 Further Maths Scheme of Work (this link will follow shortly)

As with the Mathematics A level, we utilise a range of learning resources to help build the students’ understanding.

We use the Hodder A level textbooks shown below. Currently we are able to offer access to electronic copies of the textbooks too, via the Hodder Dynamic Learning platform.

Further Maths Textbooks:

FM 1  FM 2 FM 3 
 FM 4  FM 5  

As with A Level Mathematics, the Integral platform is widely used to support learning. The AMSP (Advanced Maths Support Program) heavily support the curriculum and have produced a wide range of videos to aid student learning. This bank of videos and other helpful illustrative tools is constantly being added to for the benefit of the students.

Entry requirements

Mathematics - Grade 7 in GCSE Maths.

Further Mathematics - Grade 8 or 9 in GCSE Maths and have a strong overall GCSE profile.