SEND at Bishop Luffa School

Information about Special Educational Needs / The Local Offer

I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness (John 10:10)

Bishop Luffa is a successful mainstream school with an effective Support Team. Inclusion is integral to the school’s ethos, summed up in our motto ‘Always our best because everyone matters’.

The new Special Educational Needs Code of Practice came into force in September 2014. In line with new requirements, this information pamphlet is designed to help parents to understand clearly how students with Special Educational Needs are identified and supported. It addresses the questions, written in bold, that parents most frequently ask. The West Sussex Local Offer can be found on (

How does the school know if children/young people need extra help?

The school identifies children/young people with SEND in a variety of ways.

  • Information is passed to the Pastoral Team, the Learning Mentor and the Support team through the transition process.
  • In September of the year of entry all Year 7s are assessed through online tests called the Cognitive Ability Tests (CATS) which are marked externally. The results from these tests are shared with teaching staff, so the data can be used to help inform the ‘ Map, Master ,Move Forward’ planning process which includes adaptive teaching.
  • Within the graduated approach the class teacher is responsible for meeting all of the student needs within the classroom. Faculties incorporate the ‘Map, Master, Move Forward’ into their curriculum planning, and adaptive teaching is used in the classroom. The Support Faculty deploys teaching assistants in the most effective way to meet needs and enhance progress. If a parent has concerns/questions about their child’s needs or the way in which these needs are being met they should contact the Support Team. Reasonable adjustments are made in extenuating circumstances.

The school also works in partnership with other agencies (Speech and Language Service, CAMHS, Sensory Support, LBAT, Social Communication Team, APC Psychology) and others. Partnerships with parents/ carers and families are developed, so that there is a clear route for information sharing.

What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

If a parent or carer has concerns/questions about their child’s needs or the way in which these needs are being met they should contact the Support Team.

How is the decision made about the type and amount of support my child will receive?

The amount of support a student receives is dependent on our assessment of particular needs, and whether or not they have an Education, Health or Care (EHCP) Plan. The support will be given in order to help achieve the best outcomes for the student. If a student is to be withdrawn from a class, parents and carers will be consulted beforehand so that they are fully involved in the process.

The school has a graduated response to the support a student will receive.

The graduated approach includes ‘Map, Master, Move Forward’ in teacher’s planning, so that all needs can be accounted for at all ability levels. Through Assess, Plan, Do, Review, the meeting of student’s needs can be monitored, and relooked at where extra support may be needed.

Students with an Education, Healthcare Plan will have their needs stated in the documentation. Students on SEN K have pupil passports if appropriate.

Who can I contact in the school for further information/answers to questions?

A number of appropriate teachers can help, depending on your question:

  • For pastoral issues, the pastoral system is led by the Head of House. Each tutor group has a form tutor who is the first point of contact.
  • For medical issues, the school nurse works five days a week during school hours.
  • For concerns about safety and well-being, contact the Safeguarding Officer who is a member of the Leadership Team.
  • For issues specifically related to SEND, the Support Department can help.

What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

  • Student Voice is extremely important at Bishop Luffa. All students have a chance to have their views heard through feedback sessions or the School Council.
  • Students with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) are monitored closely by the Support Team for their learning and progress.
  • Support also delivers Social Skills sessions to identified pupils.
  • For vulnerable students, plans are put into place for extra support outside of the classroom such as lunch time or break time support, Learning Mentor, Pastoral Assistant. The Pastoral Team and Support work closely to ensure adequate meeting of needs.
  • Homework club is open to any pupil that struggles with homework, or who prefers to complete it before going home. This is led by TAs on identified days.
  • The school Learning Mentor allocates time to vulnerable students in Year 7. The Learning Mentor visits many of the primary feeder schools during the summer term, prior to transition to gain relevant useful information.
  • Heads of House and Form Tutors mainly deal with pastoral issues. However, for students with SEND, there is close communication between the Pastoral Team and the Support Team.
  • Since Covid, the Well Being Strategy has been set up to support emotional well being.
  • The school has a full- time nurse who is very aware of medical issues. The nurse regularly communicates with parents of pupils with specific needs or conditions (e.g. diabetes, epilepsy). Healthcare plans are in place.
  • The school has two level 7 assessors who test for exam access arrangements at the end of Year 9/early Year 10. The school identifies students who may need this intervention.

How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

The School assesses the progress of students with particular needs in several ways:

  • The Support Team compiles a SEND Register which is shared with all staff. The Register includes strategies to support teachers in meeting a variety of needs within the classroom, so that all pupils can access the curriculum. Progress and attainment for students with SEN is shared with all relevant staff. Strategies are offered to teachers through training, staff clinics, student passports.
  • Progress of students with SEND is assessed regularly by the subject teachers, Support Staff and Heads of House. The school systems for this process include regular assessments, House reports, reports to parents and carers, and Parents' Evenings.
  • The member of the Board of Governors with responsibility for SEND meets termly with the Head of Support to discuss the effectiveness of the school’s provision for students with SEN.
  • In judging the effectiveness of our support, the School looks at improved access to/attainment in/ relevant subjects. Adapted teaching is monitored, and advice and support offered by the Faculty Support Coach.
  • Parents and carers will know how their child is doing in the following ways:

1. Progress and attainment for students with SEN is discussed with parents and carers at meetings or parents’ & carers' evenings, dates of which are set in advance.
2. Class teachers will contact parents or carers if they are concerned about student progress. Students with Education Health Care Plans will be contacted by Support more regularly to discuss progress, and their parents will be invited to an Annual Review, and if needed, an interim review.

What training have the staff supporting students with SEND had or what training are they having?

Staff in the Support Team have specialist areas of expertise and training:

  • Speech and Language
  • Reading, writing and comprehension
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Hearing/sight impairment
  • Austistic Spectrum Disorder
  • Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder
  • Physical disabilities
  • Social and Communication Skills
  • English and Maths Functional Skills
  • English as an Additional Language
  • Down Syndrome
  • Executive Functioning Skills
  • Selective Mutism
  • Emotional Literacy Support
  • Anger Management
  • Teenage Brain
  • Exam Stress
  • Anxiety
  • First Aid
  • Alternative provision
  • Exam Access Arrangements

Skills and knowledge are kept up to date, and developed further according to need.

All staff, teaching and support, are regularly trained in best approaches to supporting students with SEND in the mainstream classroom through INSET, ( Map, Master Move Forward and Adaptive Teaching are at the heart of this).

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

The school has connections with CAMHS, the Educational Psychology Service, Sensory Support service, the Speech and Language Service, Social Services, Social Communication Team, The Sanctuary, LBAT. The school also has a Pastoral Support Assistant who oversees Early Help Plans.

How accessible is the school both indoors and outdoors?

All areas of the school except for the Art rooms are wheelchair accessible. Disabled toilets are positioned strategically throughout the school buildings. The school has two lifts. Recent adaptations to the environment give better support to students with visual impairment. The school successfully supports several students with a hearing impairment.

How are parents and carers involved in the school?

Parents and carers of students with Education Health Care Plans are regularly contacted by the Support Team to discuss progress, and to consider strategies to support with relevant issues which may be causing concern. For parents of students on SEN (K) Support, the school follows the Graduated Response which entails careful planning for the student within the lesson, monitoring progress, and discussions with parents, carers and teachers. Other strategies to support the student will then be considered.

The member of the Board of Governors with responsibility for SEND is in regular contact with the Support Team, and is very supportive in all aspects of support for pupils.

Transition arrangements are put into place for vulnerable students either joining or moving on from Bishop Luffa.

The school has an active PFA and parents and carers are welcome to join this.

How will my child be included in activities outside the school classroom including school trips?

  • All the extra-curricular activities within school are available for all students - please contact faculties.
  • The Support Team runs a homework club after school, with teaching assistants available to support students with their homework. They also run a break and lunch club.-please contact the Support faculty.
  • School trips are available for all students and support is put in place as appropriate, in discussion with parents and carers.

Contact Details of Staff in the Learning Support Team

Executive SENDCo - Bishop Luffa Learning Partnership

Mrs Julie Collins-Ballands 


Head of Support - SENDCo:

Mrs Olivia Richi-Basurto 01243 832791

Information Links

The Local Offer website contains information and services for parents (and professionals) to access. The link is:

West Sussex County Council Local Offer

For information about what the Local Authority expects schools to provide for pupils with SEND

Bishop Luffa Launchpad

To find out more about Bishop Luffa Launchpad please click on this link.