Religious Education

Subject: Religious Studies GCSE (RE)
Syllabus Number: AQA GCSE (9-1), specification A
Teacher who leads the subject: Mrs C Duke

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Religious Education Film Image

Why study RE

Religious Education provides opportunities to deepen your understanding of religions, culture and ethics, in an exciting and forward-thinking way. RE is a great foundation for many career paths, such as medicine, law, social work, teaching and much more.

You will:

  • deepen your knowledge and understanding of religions and non-religious beliefs, through a wide range of exciting lessons
  • become informed about common and different views within traditions and the way beliefs and teachings are understood and expressed
  • develop your ability to construct well-argued, balanced and structured arguments
  • engage with questions of belief, value, morality, purpose, truth; and their influence on human life
  • reflect on and develop your own values, beliefs and attitudes in the light of what you have learnt and prepare for life in a pluralistic society

Outline of GCSE syllabus content

The GCSE course specification in Religious Studies has 2 components:

1.  The Study of Religion, focusing on:

  • Christianity and Islam

2.  Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies, focusing on:

  • Relationships and Families
  • Religion and Life
  • Religion, Peace and Conflict
  • Religion, Crime and Punishment


There will be two written examination papers, each lasting one hour and forty-five minutes.  The papers will be made up of compulsory questions focusing on knowledge, understanding and evaluation.

Additional information is available on the Curriculum Overview section of the website - click here