
ANDREWES HOUSE – House Colour Green

Who’s Who?

Head of Andrewes House – Mr Rob Goldsmith

Andrewes Tutors 2023-24

Andrewes House

Year 7 - Miss E Lopez-Gamero

Year 8 - Mr J Bonney

Year 9 - Ms K Wells

Year 10 - Mrs K Pegram

Year 11 - Miss K Machado

Year 12 - Mrs D Williams

Year 13 - Mr J Barnett

Bishop Andrewes was the Bishop of Chichester from 1605-9 and was the key translator of the King James Version of the Bible in 1611. He was one of the most famous and important Bishops of Chichester and his most famous sermon is quoted by English poet TS Eliot in The Journey of the Magi.

What is Andrewes House like?

We like to think of Andrewes as being a large family. Pupils feel there is a strong sense of unity within the House and that this has led to a great team spirit which has brought the House together and enabled us to achieve a lot of success both in inter-house competitions and in things like charity fund-raising activities.

Andrewes House 2022-2023

This year seems like a normal year - trips are running and there has been no major upset, apart from the computer virus, oh, and the strike days…OK, maybe not back to normal actually.

Our Year 7 managed a fantastic few days away on the Isle of Wight, having lots of fun and giving Burrows a good whopping at Laser tag in the woods! (As usual.)

cropped caadsg logoDuring the year, Andrewes have raised nearly £200 for the Chichester Downs Syndrome Association by wearing odd socks. Even some of our pets joined in yet again!

We have also taken part in lots of inter house competitions and done well and we look forward to winning the Inter House Sports Cup - at the time of writing this we are standing in seventh place with some inter house competitions and Sports Day still to go! Hmmm, maybe a bit of a long shot.

Andrewes House 1We put on a fantastic House Drama production of a Michael Morpurgo book - Private Peaceful and made it to the Finals. Spencer Dixon (12An) and Tess Langford (12Wi) were the directors and managed an all star cast made up of students from Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. They all worked very hard and created a first world war story that had us all there with them!

Our House captains, Oliver Appleby, Hannah Bacon, Max Holben, Molly Howick and Max Sydenham have been a great help and have delivered assemblies and visited the Andrewes tutor groups. They also orchestrated the House charity odd sock event - which included the whole school. A big thank you to them.

I think that’s about it for this crazy year. There are many other achievements from individual students in sailing, LAMDA, music, cricket and other things like the Coronation cake making, Fruition and inter house competitions.  I am sure I speak on behalf of the Andrewes staff and students when I say we have ended the term exhausted. All students in Andrewes House, this year, have shown kindness and consideration to others and have made me and the tutor team extremely proud. At the time of writing, we are running in first place for the House cup, but I don’t want to count my chickens and so I will wrap it up there.

As we enter the summer, I pray that we will all get a full re-charge, realign our focus and smash September in the face!.

Mr Rob Goldsmith, Head of Andrewes House