
King HouseKING HOUSE – House Colour Pink

Who’s Who?

Head of King House – Miss K Hurry

King Tutors 2023-24

Year 7 - Mr M Healy

Year 8 - Mr L Hill

Year 9 - Mrs C Duke

Year 10 - Miss S Bracher

Year 11 - Mr R Robinson

Year 12 - Mr S Cooke

Year 13 - Ms I Blyskal

King House was created in 1993 and is named after Bishop Henry King, who was Bishop of Chichester from 1642 to 1646. When Chichester was captured by the Parliamentarians, Bishop King’s estates were confiscated and his library sold. He lived in Buckinghamshire until the restoration of the monarchy in 1660. When he returned to Chichester, he established a restoration fund to repair the cathedral and Bishop’s Palace. He died in 1669 and was buried in the Cathedral.

King House 5What is King House like?

King House motto is ‘Success through practice’. Pupils in King House pride themselves in always striving to be the best.  King House Charities are St Jerome’s Orphanage in Kenya and Breast Cancer Care.

King House Prayer

Dear Lord,

Thank you for having us together in King House.

We ask You to help us give the best of ourselves while we are here,

And that You use the unity of our house to further your purpose in the world.

Keep us ever mindful of the suffering we can bring an end to,

That we might all become citizens of a kinder, more just world,

And lead us to a greater knowledge of Your love.


King House 2022-2023

7 King

It has been a year of great learning and progress for 7 King as they have matured in great strides. The students’ personalities shine through every day and they have battled through the challenges of their first year and achieved a great deal.

Jenny Clarke and Dexter Drew have taken their responsibility as form reps very seriously ensuring student voice is heard. Megan Siddle and Amy King have shown real confidence in their role as worship leaders leading Open Evening assemblies for the Year 6's, this showed real courage and bravery to stand in front of so many people. Jamie Gregory and Bella Page have led 7 King into our inter-house events as our sport reps, as well as having their own sporting achievements with Bella competing in Paris for gymnastics at the start of the year and Jamie pushing himself in cross country and other athletics events.

7 King always try to follow the school motto of ‘always our best because everyone matters’, not only in school but outside of school as well. This was evident in 7 King’s performance in the inter house dance competition. Lucy Carmichael, Amy King, Megan Middleton, Florence Cullen and Megan Siddle choreographed and performed a powerful dance routine about the environment to finish second overall. Many students have taken part in extracurricular activities including LAMDA, PE and Design technology to name a few, immersing themselves in everything Bishop Luffa offers.

King House 5Thinking back to the start of the year where students came together on the IOW trip and formed memories and friendships that will last a lifetime, this carried through and on the eve of embarking on year 8, 7 King are well established within the school, they will continue to push themselves and their classmates on, encouraging each other to future success. A fantastic year all round!

8 King

What a fantastic year you have had taking part in House dance and drama events. Olive Kus, Elodie Roberts, Thea Miller and Anna Swain were all involved in House Drama and King House went on to win! You should all be incredibly proud of yourself.

Elodie Hill and Finn Schmidschneider have been fantastic sports leaders throughout the year and have done a brilliant job of making the whole tutor group feel included - well done.

Sports Day 2023 3We have had many sporting successes in football, tennis, rugby and netball as a tutor group. I am hoping we can retain the sports cup again for Year 8, as I think we really deserve it. We have had individual success within our tutor group too with regards to sport; from winning county football leagues, to competing in triathlons and National Firefly Championships. Thomas Francis took part in Mountain Bike Series and Evie Proctor-Heather was competing in cheerleading competitions throughout the year. In addition, Niamh Clark- Lyons collected a distinction in grade 3 LAMDA and a distinction in Grade 5 RAD ballet, along with two certificates for Outstanding personal achievement in both Tap and Drama.

All our tutor leaders did a fantastic job this year- thank you! A special thanks to all those involved in preparing for our Strawberry Tea event. Erin Pearce and Jonah Irvine attended many council meetings on our behalf and wonderfully fed back the key points each time, in their role as tutor leader. Niamh Clark- Lyons and Ellie Green brilliantly led collective worship both inside and outside of school. Well done to others who were involved with this too, particularly Lucas Barty, Iona Sherwood and Louis Pasquale- Cramp. Writing the reports this year was a tough job, as I had to fit in all the wonderful events and hobbies you are involved with and mention your many contributions to wider school life. I am sure there are things I haven’t mentioned, but please remember myself and Miss Hurry are incredibly proud of all of your achievements. I am confident the future is bright for you all and I wish you all the very best as you move into Year 9. Well done 8 King!

9 King

Sports Day 2023 43It has been a fantastic year for 9 King, ending with winning House Drama! Several students were involved in the brilliant performance of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, many taking on leading roles. It was strong year for House Drama performances and it was a well-deserved win. We’re very proud of them! As well as his impressive lead role in the House Drama, Tom Congalton has also achieved his LAMDA grade 5 and 6 this year and came joint third place in a competition at Chichester Festival Theatre.

Our Form Tutor Reps have been busy this year, representing the views of the tutor group in their meetings and being involved in a wide range of activities outside of this position. Tom Vosper has taken on an important role in leading assemblies at primary schools. Evie Castle is involved in no less than eighteen clubs! Within that, she has found time to bake a delicious cake for the Coronation baking competition, taking home first place. She has also achieved her gold award through Guides – a brilliant achievement!

Many of the tutor group are active in sports both in and outside of school. Lorelei Pilgrim takes part in a number of dance classes and competitions with ADF; Ron is part of Priory Park Cricket Club; Eddie plays both football and rugby for Bognor and Evie Adamson is part of the Cormorants competitive swimming team. We have also had two of our tutor group, Sophie Brookes and Isabelle Tonks, take part in the National Schools Championship for sailing which promotes inter-school sailing and encourages participation in the sport. Bishop Luffa were well represented with fourteen entries! With so many impressive sporting achievements, we are looking forward to Sports Day and hopefully continuing our success after winning as a house last year! Congratulations of a successful year, I am very proud of all of you!

10 King

House Drama Finals 2023 110 King have had a packed year! As we build towards the GCSE exams next year, we have been busy completing mock exams and practicing the skills needed for next Summer. We have also been starting to think about what we will be moving onto after Year 11, with some students visiting Chichester college to experience life at the college and complete some course taster sessions. Outside of the classroom, we have glimpsed into the world of work as we completed our work experience week. This offered the students some valuable insight into what they might – or might not – want to do for a career. We also completed our mock interviews by real employers and enterprise day activity of entrepreneurship skills, both aimed at building experience and interest in the wider world of work.

We have been competing in a number of inter-house events and have put ourselves in the running to win the house sports cup after a number of good events. I am very proud that we had a number of students taking part in their last inter-house drama event which we won! The play was brilliant and a true reflection of the hard work of the students involved.

Somehow on top of that, many of our students have completed bronze or silver DoE awards, dance and ballet performances and exams, gymnastics competitions, tennis tournaments, rugby and football seasons and Scouting awards – I feel exhausted just typing it! I feel very fortunate to be the tutor of such dedicated, energetic and motivated young people. I would wish them a restful Summer but I am sure that for many of them they will find things to keep them very busy.

11 King

After an extraordinary five years, 11 King have completed their GCSE exams and finished their uniformed journey at Bishop Luffa. This year has seen them gird themselves and tackle the challenge of exams with great fortitude. They each now take on the next stage of their lives. Some are off to college or apprenticeship placements; many will return to Bishop Luffa in September as Sixth Form students. Wherever their lives take them, whatever challenges they face, I am hugely proud of the young adults they are becoming. As a group they are compassionate and principled, inquisitive and driven. They will all be missed.

Miss Kate Hurry, Head of King House