
STORY HOUSE - House Colour White

Story House Ethos Poster

Who’s Who?

Head of House – Mrs S Charge

Story Tutors 2023-24

Year 7 - Mrs S Callaghan

Year 8 - Mr N Marshall

Year 9 - Mr K Ellis

Year 10 - Mr M Bennett

Year 11 - Miss E Unitt

Year 12 - Miss E Husband

Year 13 - Mr S Collins


In 1971, our House was made when the school grew from six forms of entry to eight!  Story House is named after Bishop Story, 1477-1503, who build the Chichester Market Cross and founded Prebendal School.  Our house is loving and caring, we’re like one big family!

The students’ time in Story House will stay with them, through overcoming obstacles of day to day life, making friends, celebrating, working together and having experiences they will never forget. We have tutors who are past pupils, who felt such a part of Story House during their time at Bishop Luffa that there was no other house that they could come back to – because Story House made their story worth remembering.


Year 7

Story Year 77 Story started their year with a fantastic trip to the Isle of Wight, where they spend three days and two nights away from home which is a great opportunity for students to have some independence; make friends in the tutor and in our sister House Wilson; and to have some fun. The students enjoyed learning archery, playing ten pin bowling and head hunters (came second) and singing loudly on the coach trips.

Students were fascinated to see the tigers and lemurs at the zoo for abandoned animals, before going on a spending spree in the gift shop.

Many of the students had never been on a hovercraft before so this was another new experience. Unfortunately, on the return leg of our journey the sea was too rough and we had to return home by foot ferry. All students were delivered back to Chichester tired, and hopefully having forged new friendships in the school.

Story Year 7 2Annie Lock was given an award for best female athlete at a recent athletics meeting. She is a great addition to all our inter house teams.  Congratulations to Annie, who had a fantastic day at the Mountbatten Centre athletic competition. Annie won all of her races by a significant margin, she also broke two school records, for the long jump and the 75metres that had stood since 2011 and 2016. Annie was delighted to be awarded at the end of the day with the ‘Outstanding Female Award’. She is now competing at National competitions after being scouted by an athletics club as well as being selected to play for the Solent Hockey team.

Story Year 7 3Tilly Sarson has been taking part in cheerleading for a local Chichester team Hellcats. They meet twice a week to practise tumbling and routines which they perform in various competitions throughout the year. This year it was Guildford, Brighton and Crawley. The team was also entered to compete in an extra competition in Nottingham- "Battle of the Champs" which was a huge honour for them as a team.  Additionally, Tilly was successful in achieving a place in the International squad. In June half term they went to Barcelona to compete against other UK and Spanish squads. Despite nailing their routine and getting a score of 91%, the competition was extremely tough and they achieved 5th place. They all came away very proud of their achievement and for the experience of competing abroad.

Story Year 7 4Year 7 have been studying Spanish and have taken part in a ‘Mafalda’ competition. Students have learnt about the Mafalda comics, and the messages of peace and love that Mafalda has been spreading around the world for many years. For the competition students had to draw a Mafalda and select their favourite quote. The winner of the competition was Jessica Yonge 7St. Congratulations Jessica!

Story Year 7 5We hosted 5 trainee teachers from South Korean so they could complete their International Training Programme with us at the school. Some of our students looked after them for the day. They took them to their lessons, helped them at the canteen and returned them to reception at the end of the day. Teachers were extremely happy with our students and the treatment they received. Jessica McGovern and Jessica Yonge looked after Yi Young Choi and they enjoyed the experience so much that they asked if they could help again the next day. They took this nice picture with all of our visitors.

Mr N Marshall, Year 7 Tutor 2022-23

Year 8

It has been another busy year for 8 Story, as they truly settle into school life at Bishop Luffa. The year began with a trip with the Science Department to the Winchester Science Centre. Students were treated to a Space Rocket making workshop and a view into Space at the centre’s planetarium studio. With many ‘big’ sciences exhibits there was lots of fun applying the science they had been learning about in Year 7.

As the year has progressed many of the Year 8 Story students have been heavily involved with school inter-house and extra-curricular activities. Poppy Hine, Lilia Stavreva, Rosie Tyrie and Josephine Tupper have been keenly involved in the schools Drama opportunities and played important roles in the school production, Fruition and House drama, as well as, attending drama, singing and music clubs. Back stage, Keiran Mogridge has taken a keen interest in the technician support of the drama productions and has become an integral part of the tech team that plays such a key role in production of all Bishop Luffa productions.

On a sporting front 8 Story has been very active in representing the school and taking part in clubs and inter-house competitions. Joel Worth and Josh Pollock have represented the school football team, with Joel also playing for the Rugby team, and Josh the Cricket Team. Rosie Tyrie, Olly Clapp and Thomas Bacon have also been keenly involved in the school’s football provision. Poppy Hine has represented the school Netball team, along with Josephine Tupper and Ashanti Walker also enjoying playing Netball at school.

During the summer term, 8 Story provided a strong representation to the school’s athletics team with Ashanti Walker, Grace Bradfield, Poppy Hine, Toby Russel-Wells and Joel Worth all taking part in a school’s competition at the Mountbatten Centre in Portsmouth. An event where Joel Worth set a new school record for the High Jump.

The form group also boasts some talented bakers in Harry Lawson and Rosie Tyrie who have regularly contributed to our charity events by baking delicious cakes to be sold at the House bake sales, helping to raise important funds for the House charity Dementia UK.  As the 2022/23 school year draws to a close, 8 Story students have been able to make the most of the glorious weather with their Geography field trip to West Wittering’s, exploring and learning about dunes and its ecosystem.

Mr K Ellis, Year 8 Tutor 2022-23

Year 9

Story Year 9 1Having settled into life at school in Years 7 and 8 following a turbulent start due to the pandemic, 9ST have matured noticeably this year and have clearly grown in confidence. This was skilfully demonstrated in the recent House drama, with superb performances from Niall Cook, Jack Cheney, Jennifer Ruffle, Olivia Willson and Sophie Climpson. Olivia Willson was also part of the fab production of Billy Elliott, and Eva Jones and Tegan Parker performed in a memorable carol service at Chichester Cathedral.

9ST are also a sporty bunch and have had success in inter-house sports as well as representing the school in a number of disciplines. Some of the students involved are Tilly Palmer (netball, rounders and athletics), Eleanor Maunder (netball), Olivia Willson(netball), Jessica Baker (netball), Caleb Lock (football and rugby), Adam King (football and rugby), Noah Goldsmith (football) and Freddie Sarson (football).

Story Year 9 2On the 4th & 5th February a cohort of Bishop Luffa students from Years 7-10 competed in the 68th Chichester Festival for Music, Dance & Speech held at Oakwood School. This year the festival was host to over 200 students from West Sussex and Hampshire all performing verse, prose, public speaking, choral speaking and dramatic solos and duets. Each and every student performed with great confidence and are a credit to the school. Students awarded prizes were:

Sir Eric Jansz Poetry Prize – Year 8 & 9
▪ 1st - Niall Cook (9Story)
▪ 3rd - Eva Jones (9Story)

CMF Speech and Drama Cup - Prose speaking Years 7, 8, 9
▪ 1st - Niall Cook (9Story)
▪ 2nd - Eva Jones (9Story)

Jenny Fitzgerald recently led assemblies relating to the armed forces and, along with many other members of the group, thoroughly enjoyed the sports events on the recent Barcelona residential trip. I would also like to thank Jack Cheney, Rick Griffiths and Charlie Alexander for helping set up the tutor base regularly and all of the reps who have attended meetings in their allocated areas and supported the House in recent charity events. Overall, I would like to congratulate the whole tutor group for supporting each other and making the most of the year at Bishop Luffa.

Mr M Bennett, Year 9 Tutor 2022-23

Year 10

Story Year 2Over the course of this year 10 Story have had many events from work experience, to interview days, mock exams and trips. This year has been one that has shown how resilient 10 Story can be and how much hard work and perseverance pays off.

Year 10’s work experience has seen many of 10 Story have experience working in primary schools helping pupils with reading, writing and the arts. Others gained experience working with animals in vets, catteries and working in local cafes, estate agents, RAF and with engineers. Rosie Goldsmith completed her work experience at Cambridge University. While working at this prestigious university, Rosie lived away from home giving her vital skills for the world of work. Amelie Ryan immersed herself into technology while working with a company in London to create her own AI video. This was a very impressive achievement and one that was shown within our Story House assembly.

Most recently 10 Story have participated in their mock interviews. This day was such a success for 10 Story where all were able to create their own CV’s and showed how calm and confident they can be under pressure. Also, a huge well done is to be given to Lidiia Sydorenko for completing her Ukrainian exams earlier this month, another brilliant achievement.

Story Year 10Outside of academia many of 10 Story have been involved in House drama again this year, unfortunately we were not the winners but Izabella Kiselyk-Molina and Rosie Goldsmith put in outstanding performances.

We have also been very lucky to have a Team GB softball player within 10 Story for the second year in a row Isla Dodson-Richi is heading off to Canada to represent our country internationally as part of the U17 Fastpitch Softball Team. The Canada Cup is an annual event held near Vancouver that attracts some of the world’s top national and club teams. Continuing sporting success, Arran Goode recently represented Bishop Luffa playing the famous MCC cricket club. Arran won the spirit of cricket award for his individual performance and wicket keeping.

Another budding athlete is Trinity Fever. Trinity reached the finals of the English Schools National Swimming Championship Finals where she represented Bishop Luffa. This was held at the London Aquatics Centre, the main swimming venue where the London 2012 games were held.

These are all outstanding achievements and ones we are all extremely proud of.  Well done!

Miss E Unitt, Year 10 Tutor 2022-23

Year 11

11 Story, we made it! Watching you at prom was a lovely way to end our time together. Yes, you all fantastic, but far more satisfying was that you all showed your individuality and your personalities shone through. It’s finally time to let your hair down, enjoy this time before you go on to further study, work, or a combination of the two. You have worked hard these last two years, but in reality, you have been preparing for this for the last five.

Having recently spent the day with your replacements, it does not seem like five years since you turned up at Luffa, still in your primary school uniforms, wide eyed, many of you nervous, all of you wondering what your time at Luffa would look like. Well, in your typically understated way you fulfilled our school motto – “Life in all its fullness”.

Exceptional dramatic performances in both House and school productions as well as those at the Festival theatre, prize winning IT and media stars, sporting performances within school and beyond, commitments to clubs/organisations including Duke of Edinburgh, Scouts or the various part-time jobs many of you have taken on all demonstrate your resilience and determination to push yourselves to be your best version.

You always pulled together when it mattered supporting our charity, Dementia UK from bringing in cakes, eating said cakes and dressing up as elves amongst other costumes! But many of you took this much further and it was heart-warming to hear that several of you supported other charities often volunteering at them including the Cat and Rabbit rescue centre and Climping Dogs home.

For many of you, it is not goodbye, just au revoir! I look forward to seeing you return in September, ready for your next challenges. But to all of you whether you are returning to Sixth Form or moving on to pastures new, remember you will always belong to Story House and I hope to hear about your many future achievements and accomplishments that I know lay ahead of you.

Mrs S Callaghan, Year 11 Tutor 2022-23

Year 12 & 13

We say goodbye to 13 Story. They were small in number, but perfectly formed! 12 Story is a much larger group. We had a large intake of students joining the sixth form from other schools and they have all settled in well. We all visited Tim Hortons for an early breakfast earlier in the year, which was fun. Both year groups have members who excel in drama, music and languages. Thanks for everyone’s hard work as mentors for the lower school, where they are paired with students lower down the school to listen and offer advice. It is a wonderful scheme to get involved with.

It is great to see that Story has produced another school captain. Sam Ahiwe ran a fantastic campaign and will be a brilliant in the role.

Mr S Collins, Year 12 & 13 Tutor 2022-23

Year 6 and ¾ (They named themselves)

Tuesday 5th July was a very momentous day – we finally got to meet each other and start our new journey together. Human bingo was great fun and I was pleased to discover nearly all of us preferred chocolate to lollipops – so I’m sure we are going to get on great! We also shared some facts about ourselves and I now know that we have some talented sports people including gymnasts and runners, so I have high hopes for future Sports Days and Interhouse competitions. We also have some natural born leaders and I look forward to seeing you and encouraging others to get involved and taking charge of the many different opportunities Luffa will present to you. I wish you a fabulous summer holiday, full of fun, but please come to school in September refreshed and ready to be the very best version of yourself. PS. Make sure you have an early night!

Mrs S Callaghan, Year 7 Tutor 2023-24

Sixth Form House Captain & Team

Story House TeamThis year we are proud to announce that we have had not just a House Captain and a deputy or two but a whole team. They have worked tirelessly this year to support all of the children and tutors along the way. They have made such a good team. Organising the Interhouse teams, House drama, Charity events and our sixth form mentoring program.
I can’t wait to see who applies next year.

Mrs S Charge, Head of Story House

School Captain Elections

Sam CaptainI am very grateful to all the teachers and students who supported me throughout my journey to becoming school captain. Although the election process was rigorous, it was also an enjoyable experience. I encourage others to consider running for school captain, but they should be prepared to take on the responsibilities that come with the role.


Final Word from our House Captain

CassieBeing able to be House captain this year has been such a great opportunity which I have thoroughly enjoyed. It was such an honour being able to be Story House captain as well as being able to have a great House captain committee who all have played such major parts throughout the year helping our House. It has been amazing being able to be a part of Story House’s big days such as Elf day, Blue day, cake sales as well as our teacher mini marathon which all helped with raising money for our House charity. It was great watching everyone come together to be able to raise money for our House charity, Dementia UK as it is a charity which is close to many of us in our House. It has been so amazing seeing all of Story House's amazing achievements.

Cassie Bailey, Story House Captain

Other Story House Achievements

Go Green Week 2022 1Go Green Week

We had a great time in school celebrating Go Green Week. The week got going with a Year 7 litter pick. Students received points for bringing in vegetarian, plastic free pack lunches and water bottles in order to reduce waste. After school Sixth Formers took on the classroom recycling, saving 12kg from landfill in one day.

On Tuesday batteries, old-school uniforms and clothes were collected for donation and use later in the week. The action continued with lunchtime recycled art and outdoor clubs. A creative bunch made 3D butterflies out of recycled bottles, reusing old materials to make something colourful, whilst the gardening team gave the Quiet Area some much needed attention. After school we held upcycling workshop in the textiles department. Students were encouraged to find environmentally friendly ways of getting to school, scoring eco-points for walking, cycling, taking public transport and lift sharing.

Wednesday lunchtime saw the second return of Bishop Luffa’s bike-powered karaoke. Many students donated fab eco-themed bakes for a lunch-time sale where students were invited to guess the carbon footprint of common ingredients, some may think twice about using butter again! After school Bishop Luffa’s first swap shop opened where all manner of clothes were swapped by students eager to swap, making their wardrobes not only more fashionable but sustainable.

On the Friday finale we saw Bishop Luffa’s finest up-cycled fancy dress and second-hand fashion with students winning prizes in the fancy dress competition – Congratulation to Hannah Beech (8Story) who was amongst these.

The UK Maths Challenge

The UK Mathematical Challenge is a 60-minute, multiple choice activity. It encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. Sitting the challenge alone is an amazing achievement, with the top students then going on to be awarded Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates too. A huge ‘well done’ to all of the Story students who attempted the challenge.

Intermediate Challenge

Gold award & Best in Year – Caitlin Foyn 10st,
Silver Award- Jennifer Fitzgerald 9st, Isha Tupsy 9st, Aaron Butters 11st, Lili Hine 11st, Owen Jones 11st.
Bronze Award – Noah Goldsmith 9st, Isabella Maunder 11st

Junior Challenge

Bronze Award – Emmy Boden 7st, Joseph Cook 7st, Sam Garlick 7st, Reya Henderson 7st, Benjamin Welch 7st, Florence Wilson 7st and Olly Clapp 8st.

House Drama

Story House DramaThis year we did ‘Holes’ for Story’s House Drama which was equally challenging and rewarding. We faced many struggles throughout the process regarding roles and scripting as well as staging and timing but in the end, we had a great piece which everyone could be proud of. Each and every one of the cast members were amazing to work with and the full day rehearsal was so much fun because of everyone’s good attitudes. When the piece finally came together on the full day rehearsal it was so special and a great feeling, as we all saw exactly what our hard work and commitment had produced. We faced so many adversities and because of that, I couldn’t be prouder of all the members of our Story House Drama.

Lucy Campbell, House Drama Director

House Charity Events

Story DementiaOur House Charity continues to be Dementia UK. As a House, this charity is really important to us. Many of us have seen the impact Dementia can have on family members. Since the pandemic, smaller charities have struggled so any support we can provide them is greatly appreciated.
Dementia UK, provides specialist dementia support to families through its Admiral Nurse Service. When things get challenging or difficult, Dementia UK’s nurses work alongside people with dementia and their families, giving them the one-to-one support, expert guidance and practical solutions, they need, and which can be hard to find elsewhere.

Elf Day

Story ElfStory House held their annual Elf Day raising over £600 for their House Charity Dementia UK. The money raised will go towards helping those suffering with dementia, and their families. They raised the money by dressing up in elf. related clothing, selling Elf hats, selling raffle tickets to win a large Elf toy and other goodies, and they also ran a Christmassy bake sale. Thank you to everyone involved in this event.

Christmas Choir

DSC08933This year we wanted to actively support those who suffer with dementia. A small group of Story students headed to Pinewood Care home on Friday 9th December to spread some festive cheer to the residents. After a few weeks of practicing both traditional carols and popular Christmas songs we were ready to entertain! All the students sang with gusto, and bells and shakers were played with enthusiasm. As much as the students enjoyed themselves, the biggest privilege was the reaction of the residents - some joined in, others smiled and we even had some dancing in the corner. None of this would have been possible without Mrs Bowen-Melfi who kindly organised and played the music for us, so we send her a huge thank you.

Blue Day

On Friday 19th May, we asked the whole school to swap an item of uniform for an item of blue clothing for a small donation. Why Blue? Blue is the official colour of Dementia, symbolising memory and forget-me-nots.  Alongside this, several other events took place. Eleven teachers ran a 2.5km mini marathon with students giving their support by cheering on their favourite teacher, as well as having the opportunity to guess the winning time. Mr. Hindman heard lots of cheering as Chris West finished the mini-marathon just as the rest of the field reached the halfway line…
Students also had the opportunity to buy tickets to win our Blue Hamper of goodies. At break time there was also a cake sale with all cakes flying off the stall. We are pleased to announce that we raised a total of £265 for this worthwhile charity.

Staff Blue Day Run

Charity Fundraising Total

We are very proud to announce that including all our other events and non-uniform days, we have raised over £600 this year and we hope to build on this success next year by not only holding these events but adding more to raise as much as we can for this worthy cause. A huge thank you to everyone who has supported and donated this year.

“Make your Story worth Remembering’