Locker Room

Locker Room Poster 1Background

The Locker Room was started in 2021 in response to wider issues such as the death of Sarah Everard.  A group of students, with the support of staff members, are looking at ways we can make changes to reduce/ stop sexual harassment at Bishop Luffa.  We have created a safe space where you can report, share and speak to people about experiences you have had.  It gives students a voice to speak out and we hold regular meetings to review where we are at and our next steps.

How to get involved/report

  • Email
  • Speak to your Form Tutor, Head of House or teacher
  • Contact a member of the Safeguarding team led by Mrs Watson
  • Report the incident on the Google classroom using the reporting form (Google Classroom code KXLZ24L)
  • Speak to Ms McAuley, Mr Healy, Bea Harmston (13Ridgeway) and Ollie Dixon (13Andrewes).

What has happened since June 2021

  • We have started working with outside agencies – Life Centre for advice
  • All staff have completed training on sexual harassment.
  • Students have written a sexual harassment policy which has been passed to the Leadership Team.
  • We are working with PSHE to spread the message across the school
  • We are looking at how we can make changes here at Bishop Luffa based on the survey findings and suggested some ideas to leadership – PE kit for example

Our Recent Campaign - Call It Out

  • Whole school assembly was held in which we asked staff and students who would be willing to speak out / stand up to sexual harassment, bullying and homophobia.
  • A large display has been put out outside the Bartlett Hall where students have pledged to 'Call It Out' if somebody is being sexually harassed, bullied or subjected to homophobia

 Locker Room Poster 2  Locker Room Poster