Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance

The Careers Team

Careers Lead – Mr Jamie Saunders Assistant Head/Head of 6th Form,, 01243 787741

Careers and Work Experience Coordinator – Mrs Angie Hopp,, 01243 787741

Head of PSHE – Mrs Charlie Smerdon-Corp,, 01243 787741

Careers Adviser – Mrs Linda Corry, EBP South

Link Director – Mrs Vicki Brown

Enterprise Coordinator – Ms Sian Lewis, Careers and Enterprise Company

Enterprise Adviser – Mr Jonathan Orr, Management Consultant

Bishop Luffa Careers Team


Careers Logo2The school views educational attainment as a key determinant of students’ life chances and employment opportunities. We seek to develop a passion for lifelong learning through the provision of a dynamic and challenging curriculum, which meets the needs of all learners by developing relevant knowledge and skills that promote employability. Outstanding careers information, advice and guidance is integral to preparing students to make informed choices about their education within school and after they leave.


The school is committed to:

  • Providing students with outstanding careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) across all key stages, through planned, differentiated activities and experiences which are embedded in the curriculum.
  • Ensuring access to independent, accurate, impartial and confidential careers advice and guidance for students from Year 7-13.
  • Meeting the needs of all learners; ensuring statutory duties are met in respect of students with special educational needs and those who are disadvantaged
  • Promoting equality of opportunity for all students by challenging stereotypes about careers.
  • Monitoring the quality and evaluating the effectiveness of careers education


Bishop Luffa has a ring fenced budget which pays for the Careers Programme - this enables us to purchase independent careers guidance, Unifrog, Health & Safety Work Experience checks and other new resources.

Teacher Links

Coast to Capital Careers Resources Board

Careers and Enterprise Company - Careers resources embedding careers within the curriculum

Unifrog – teacher resources

Careers Programme

careers psheMuch of our careers provision is delivered via PSHE lessons where each year group will receive sessions on ‘Life Beyond School’. Assemblies and Enrichment Days also offer the opportunity for students to learn more about careers including team building with the Army, talks from local Colleges, apprenticeship providers, Universities and employers. Through our careers fair, each year group will be able to have meaningful encounters with employers, FE, HE and apprenticeship providers.

UnifrogEach student has a Unifrog login to support their career planning. Unifrog is a one stop shop where students can explore their interests and career paths and apply for their next steps. It’s an online careers platform that allows students to research careers related to their personality type, find out about local and national opportunities, apply for live apprenticeship vacancies, research University courses and loads more. Tutors can also log in to Unifrog and track student's progress, give students’ feedback and download what students have done. Parents can also have a Unifrog login - please contact Mrs Angie Hopp on for a login code.

All students can request an individual careers guidance appointment with an independent, qualified careers adviser. Students will receive independent careers guidance according to their needs throughout their school life with most Year 11s and many Year 10s receiving one to one guidance.

work experienceTo develop students’ experiences of the world of work and to enhance their employability skills, all students in Year 10 and Year 12 are provided with the opportunity to undertake work experience - building confidence and gaining first-hand experience of the workplace.

Bishop Luffa produces a regular newsletter for students, parents and teachers covering careers events at school, local opportunities, virtual work experience opportunities, UCAS information, FE and HE open days, apprenticeship information and Labour Market Information.  

The latest newsletter can be found by clicking on this link.

To read the Careers Programme please use the following link.

Bishop Luffa Careers Programme

Measuring the Impact of the Careers Programme

Bishop Luffa will assess the impact of it’s careers programme on students by completing termly reviews using the Compass evaluation tool in discussion with our Enterprise Coordinator and Adviser; every 2 years via the Kirkland Rowell survey; through discussions with staff, students and parents; and by analysing destination data (including UCAS Destinations Report) which impacts our delivery across the school.

Click here to view the Compass Tracker for Bishop Luffa


Destination Data for year 11 students Summer 2020:

Destinations of Bishop Luffa Year 11 Summer 2020

FE/Training Provider Access Policy

Bishop Luffa believes in giving FE, HE and training providers the opportunity to talk to students at the school. Please contact Mrs Angie Hopp on if you would like to discuss an opportunity to visit and get involved in our Careers Programme.

Please click on this link to view the Provider Access Policy

Careers Policy

(to be reviewed every 3 years. Next review November 2023)

To read the full Careers Policy please use the following link

Bishop Luffa Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy

Useful Websites

National Careers Service

National Careers Service - a comprehensive careers website with job profiles, outlining: the skills required, main tasks and pay levels and career prospects for hundreds of different jobs. In addition, valuable guidance on the different stages involved in getting a job.


Unifrog - a one-stop shop for everything careers related. Unifrog is for all year groups regardless of their interests or academic abilities, allowing students to explore different career areas, Post 16 and Post options, labour market information and prepare their CVs, personal statements and much more. All Bishop Luffa students have a Unifrog account.


UCAS - a very helpful website for students thinking of applying to Higher Education.


Icould - explore new careers or take the buzz quiz.


Find an Apprenticeship - Government apprenticeship website where student can search and apply for apprenticeships

prospects logo

Prospects - for graduate jobs, post graduate studies and advice about work experience. A useful website to give students ideas about what to do with a particular degree.

not going to uni

Not Going To Uni - thousands of jobs, apprenticeships and opportunities across the UK for students who decide not to go to Uni.