Term Dates & Timings of the School Day

The school day for our students Years 7 to 11 is from 8.00am to 2.30pm, which equates to 32.5 hours per week.

Sixth Form students' days can run from 8.00am until 3.30pm (depending on their timetables).

The school is open to visitors from 7.45am to 4.00pm.

Timings of the School Day

8.00am Morning  Registration
8.23am End of Registration
8.25am Period 1
9.23am End of Period 1
9.27am Period 2
10.25am BREAK
10.41am End of Break
10.45am Period 3
11.43am End of Period 3
11.47am Period 4
12.45pm End of Period 4
12.45pm LUNCH
1.25pm Warning Bell
1.30pm Period 5
2.30pm End of teaching  day



Autumn Term 2023

Friday 1st September - Friday 15th December 2023

INSET DAY - Friday 1st September 2023

Half Term Break Monday 23rd October - Friday 27th October
Christmas Break☆

Monday 18th December - Monday 1st January 2024

Spring Term 2024

Tuesday 2nd January 2024 - Thursday 28th March

INSET DAY - Tuesday 2nd January

Half Term Break Monday 12th February - Friday 16th February
Easter Break☆ Friday 29th March - Friday 12th April
Summer Term 2024 Monday 15th April - Tuesday 23rd July
Half Term Break☆ Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May
Summer Break Wednesday 24th July - Friday 30th August


  • Friday 1st September 2023
  • Friday 24th November 2023
  • Tuesday 2nd January 2024
  • Monday 19th February 2024
  • Tuesday 23rd July 2024

☆Includes Bank Holidays



Autumn Term 2024

Monday 2nd September - Friday 19th December 2024

INSET Day - Monday 2nd September

Year 7 & 12 in school on Tuesday 3rd September, all other year groups return on Wednesday 4th September

Half Term Break Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November 2024
Christmas Break☆ Monday 23rd December - Friday 3rd January 2025
Spring Term 2025 Monday 6th January 2025 - Friday 4th April 2025
Half Term Break Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February 2025 
Easter Break☆ Monday 7th April - Monday 21st April 2025 inclusive
Summer Term 2025 Tuesday 22nd April - Tuesday 22nd July 2025
Half Term Break☆ Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May 2025
Summer break Commences Wednesday 23rd July 2025 


  • Monday 2nd September 2024
  • Monday 21st October 2024 (7Story & 7Wilson's residential will start on this day)
  • Friday 29th November 2024
  • Monday 24th February 2025
  • Thursday 3rd July 2025

☆Includes Bank Holidays