Student School Agreement

I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness (John 10:10)

We aim to foster the intellectual, social, creative, physical, moral, emotional and spiritual development of all our students. We see each child as a unique person with a God-given individual identity. We strive to help children learn to live together in harmony, and to co-operate in working for the common good, not just for themselves. We recognise that only in giving due importance to moral and spiritual development can the child grow into a mature adult. Our curriculum and pastoral arrangements are not an end in themselves. They are a means to develop our students into whole, happy and well-educated people. This is an enterprise that involves co-operation between the student, school, home, church, and the wider community. Each of us has a vital part to play in realising our aim – to create a vibrant, outward-looking Christian community where students grow to become resourceful, resilient and reflective young men and women. Each of us plays a vital role in realising our vision:

Always our best because everyone matters

The school

We will:

  • Ensure that we care for your safety and wellbeing
  • Provide a high quality education within a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum
  • Achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility
  • Set and mark homework in accordance with the homework timetable
  • Recognise and reward good performance and progress by you
  • Be clear and consistent with rewards and sanctions
  • Keep your parents and carers accurately informed of your progress formally twice a year
  • Maintain an environment of open communication between you, your parents and carers and school


I will:

  • Attend school and be in the right place at the right time
  • Bring all necessary equipment every day
  • Wear the school uniform and be smart in appearance
  • Follow the school rules, code of conduct and discipline for learning policy
  • Do classwork and homework to the best of my ability
  • Be polite, respectful and supportive of everyone
  • Care for our school environment e.g. keep it free from vandalism, free from litter