News from the Design Technology Department

During Design & Technology lessons over the last term Year 7, 8 and 9 students have been combining practical and technological skills with creative thinking, to design and make products and systems that meet human needs. They have learnt to use current technologies and consider the impact of future technological developments. All students are encouraged to think creatively and intervene to improve the quality of life, solving problems as individuals and as members of a team.

Below is a sample of what Design & Technology has been up to this term:

Year 7 Textiles have been making ECO Creatures in their Textiles lessons this term. They have developed their knowledge of how to use primary research to inform the making of a textiles product, how to write a specification and have looked at three different designers, The Felt Mistress, Cotton Monster and Ugly Doll, to inform their own designs. They have spoken about sustainability and learnt about the 6 R's Recycle, Reduce, Repair, Reuse, Rethink and Refuse. The results are amazing!

Year 7 Textiles

Year 7 Product Design students have been introduced to basic workshop H&S, taught how to use hand tools correctly, learning the theory of different material properties of Wood and Polymers. Furthermore students were introduced to Computer Aided Design (CAD and Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM). With all this new knowledge and Skills Year 7 students produced some outstanding USB night lights - a year group to watch for the future!

Year 7 PD

A sample of Year 8 textiles students are trailing a project using E-Textiles within their cushion covers by adding a nightlight. They have used conductive thread and LED lights and cell batteries to construct their circuits. Primary research has been carried out to guide their designing so that it meets their customers needs. The cushion covers are inspired by designers that have used nature in their own products. Mood boards or collage boards were made as a visual summary of inspirational images, objects, material swatches, trims, or product examples that explained the concept and feeling of their cushion cover. They have learnt the techniques of couching, stencilling and how to make patchwork, as well as how to construct the cushion cover.

Year 8 Textiles

Year 8 have been busy in Product Design making Handy Grabs, using their knowledge of mechanisms, how to use hand tools and their designing skills. First they made prototypes using cardboard, to check the measurements before cutting softwood. They learnt about different materials including cardboard and how it is made. They have deconstructed corrugated cardboard to look at the properties. They have also taken part in theoryactical session (theory through practical lessons - a Mrs Bonney made up word!) They have investigated metals such as gold and found out in another theoryactical lesson, that panning for gold takes a lot of effort to find tiny pieces of gold - this is one of the reasons that it is so expensive. They have tested their handy grabs, reflected on what they have created using their specification (list of rules of how/what to make) and checked that their product meets the customers needs.

Year 8 PD

Year 9 Textiles are midway through their upcycling project and have been enthusiastically designing and researching how to upcycle their items of clothing based on designers from the pop art movement.They have been busy building on their knowledge of Textile Design to create colourful backgrounds ready to screen print onto, rethinking how their item of clothing is to be used for example, turning a pair of jeans into a skirt before screen printing onto it.

Year 9 Textiles

Year 9 Product Design students have been growing their Design Development skill this half term ready to make and finish a high standard, well made Angle Poise Lamp in the new year. An important part of design development is model making. A sample of quality card models can be seen below. I can't wait to see these finished products in the new year.

Year 9 PD

Year 12 Product Design students have been working like a small architectural & design company, to design a new unique themed dog kennel that would blend into a busy household or work area in a practical way. Their dog kennel must be exciting and interesting and will contribute to the wellbeing of a pet dog. Students were challenged to produce a full portfolio of work to evidence design research to design to development, and on to making a full scale prototype all made from reclaimed materials. Students were up against a tight timeline to complete all this in 10 weeks. They worked extremely hard, here is a sample of their hard work:

Year 12 PD

Year 12 PD 2

Exciting times ahead for Greenpower in 2024. We are now the proud owners of an IET Formula Goblin Car, which brings with it the opportunity for students to become Young Design and Technology Leaders, assisting me to run a club for the Primary Schools in the Bishop Luffa Partnership. More details of how to apply to become a Young Design and Technology Leader will follow in the Spring Term.

Greenpower car 2023

Update on the 60th Anniversary Dress

Fabric has been cut ready for students to draw around their hand and will be given to form tutors in the new year along with instructions. There will be fabric squares available for staff that do not have a form group, more details of where to collect from will follow.


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