News Archive 2021-2022

Dancing their way to the end of term - posted 20th April

The last week of the Spring term saw two evening performances at the school, celebrating dance. The much-anticipated Interhouse Dance Finals took place on Tuesday 28th March, with twelve performance groups competing across six Houses to be crowned Interhouse Dance winners. In addition, there were guest performances from RnB Dance and BTEC students. This year the audience had the chance to vote online. Otter House came 3rd, King House 2nd and the overall winners were Burrows House.

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Joseph Elliott header

Inspiring, Informative & Fun! - posted 6th October

IMG 7695On Wednesday 6th October we welcomed author and actor Joseph Elliott to Bishop Luffa. He spoke to our Year 7 English classes about his novel The Good Hawk and how he chose to use his novel to explore ideas of diversity and inclusion. Set in a fantastical version of Scotland and the Scottish Isles, he wove tales of clans and nomadic tribes, and spoke of the journey he took to become a published author. The students enjoyed deciding which clan they wished to belong to (Bo-Riders!!!) and also saw how books are printed and learned how long it all takes from writing a book to seeing it on the shelves (over 4 years!)

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Final Assembly Website header

The end of a fantastic school year - posted 17th August

We have had a very exciting half term, full of celebrations. We have also seen the trophies being spread around the Houses: Story House won the House Drama, for the first time since 1988; King House won Sports Day; Burrows House won the Inter-House Games Cup; and, the big one – Andrewes House won the overall House Cup, meaning that they got more House Points than any other House this year!

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Marwell Zoo Article

Year 7 Trip to Marwell Zoo - posted 25th July

The whole of year 7 visited Marwell Zoo with the science department this July 2022.  They went over two days by coach, 120 each day, accompanied by their science teachers.  The trip was to look specifically at the adaptations of a number of chosen species. They completed worksheets and identified their favourite animal, along with its adaptations for homework. Everyone really enjoyed seeing so many different animals and we all had our favourites, be it the huge Rhinos, tall Giraffes, or the snakes.  The students listened to a short talk about the adaptations of the Giraffe. They saw the skull and one vertebra of the Giraffe and now know how it has such a long neck, with only the same number of vertebrae as a human. This was well delivered and the students asked many great questions.  

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Sports day 2022 header

Sports Day 2022 - posted 17th July

Sports Day took place on Friday 15th July, with plans amended to take into account the unusually hot weather. It was a great morning with fantastic performances on the track and field. The winners were:

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Sixth Form round up header

Sixth Form News - posted 17th July

The new Sixth Form Student Leadership Team recently spent a training day together at Chichester Yacht Club. The activities undertaken included an egg drop challenge. Two winners, one loser! Great teamwork was demonstrated by all those involved.

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Year 11 Prom 2022 Header

Year 11 Prom 2022 - posted 17th July

Our Year 11 students had a fantastic time at their Prom at the beginning of July, which took place in a marquee on the school grounds. This was a formal occasion to celebrate the end of their compulsory schooling and to mark the parting of the ways as they go on their various 16+ pathways.

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House Drama 2022 Header Finals

Story House Triumph at House Drama Finals - posted 17th July

The annual House Drama took place at the end of June with all eight Houses performing their plays to their House and Sister House during House Drama/Enterprise Day. There were an exciting range of pieces this year including Narnia, The Lovely Bones, Things I Know to be True, Cloud Busting, The Wizard of Oz, The Addams Family, Animal Farm and for the first time in the history of House drama, a play written by students.

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European Sailing championships Header

Charlie excels at European Sailing Championships - posted 17th July

European Sailing championships 5Huge congratulations to Charlie Gran (10Burrows) who recently competed in the 29er European Sailing Championships 2022 in Rungsted, Denmark. Charlie had an exceptional regatta with his crew member Sam, coming home with a Bronze medal, an achievement that cannot be underestimated given Charlie’s age, and the exceptional level of ability and competition.

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