

We believe in living a full life based on love and respect which is why we commit to give

Always our best because everyone matters

Jesus said, “I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness.”

Bishop Luffa School seeks to show what ‘life in all its fullness’ means

Bishop Luffa School – A Christian community in action


What is spirituality?

Spirituality is defined in our relationships with:

  • Myself – in the past, at the moment and in the future
  • Others – family and friends, peers, neighbours and community
  • Society – local, national and global
  • God – who is creator, redeemer and sustainer

What do we do?

Christian spirituality is lived, not simply studied. It is found in the focus of relationships as we study together and seek to make individual progress. Opportunities for spirituality arise in worship and fund-raising, organised activities and the way we encounter random opportunities during the school day. Spirituality is present in our day-to-day relationships and interactions. It is all there in all your curriculum subjects.

Particular opportunities to explore spirituality include:

  • Tutor time
  • Connect programme
  • Assemblies
  • House activities
  • Year group eucharists
  • Christian Union and many other clubs/extracurricular activities
  • Artwork and displays around school, including the Wall just outside the Bartlett Hall offering ways to reflect, publicise, celebrate and fundraise
  • Opportunities to meet and talk with your clergy team member in tutor time and lessons

Why do we do it?

Our Vision means valuing and supporting opportunities for Christian spirituality. This is key to our successful work in school and living life in all its fullness.

One of our favourite Worship Songs this year has been My Lighthouse by Rend Collective… check out the song here…

Worship Song


Here is one of our prayers we say when new pupils join us, you may like to pray it yourself on your first day of school

For a first day at school

Loving God, let me be strong today
as I meet new people in new places.
Make me brave when I am worried,
show me how to learn from everyone around me,
and help me to do my very best. Amen.


O God, the strength of my life,
make known your will for me in this place:
help me to discover friends among strangers,
to meet opportunities and challenges eagerly,
and to do my daily tasks in your name.
Give me strength to overcome my worries,
and preserve me in your safe keeping,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.