Religious Education

Seeking to develop independent enquirers

Exploring the beliefs and world views of others, to better understand our own

Team Leader of Religious Education Mrs C Duke
Assistant Headteacher/Consultant RE Teacher in charge of SIAMS/Christian Ethos Mrs A Smith
Teacher of RE and Worship Coordinator Mrs R Bradberry
Teacher of RE Mrs L Budgen
Teacher of RE Mrs K Faulkner
Teacher of RE Mr P Owen
Teacher of RE & History Mr J Petts
Teacher of RE Miss E Rawlinson
Teacher of RE Mrs H McLoughlin

Religious Education is a core subject. In Years 7, 8 and 9 students having three periods per fortnight. Our students study GCSE Religious Education in Years 10 and 11 and have 4 periods of teaching per fortnight.  They are also able to study Theology at A'Level in Years 12 and 13. Further details about the A'Level course are available on the Sixth Form website.


The way in which the RE curriculum is designed specifically to promote ‘life in all its fullness.’ Religious Education allows students to explore religion, philosophy, and worldviews, expressing and communicating ideas and gaining and deploying a range of valuable, transferable skills that will be useful for all students. Students advance these skills as they progress through the various key stages, with a focus on knowledge and explanation, influence and impact, and evaluation. RE contributes dynamically to students’ education by provoking challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God, ultimate reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. Students will have the opportunity to discuss real issues that impact the society we live in; from racism in sport to examining the aims of punishment in the criminal justice system. Through engaging lessons, enrichment opportunities and adaptive teaching, we work hard as a team to ensure all students are able to flourish and truly experience ‘life in all its fullness’.

Religious Education Learning Journey

This is a visual representation of how students' knowledge and skills develop through the Religious Education curriculum.

(click on the image below to view a larger version)

RE Learning Journey

Why study Religious Education?

Religious Education provides opportunities to deepen your understanding of religions, culture and ethics, in an exciting and forward-thinking way. RE is a great foundation for many career paths, such as medicine, law, social work, teaching and much more.

You will:

  • deepen your knowledge and understanding of religions and non-religious beliefs, through a wide range of exciting lessons
  • become informed about common and different views within traditions and the way beliefs and teachings are understood and expressed
  • develop your ability to construct well-argued, balanced and structured arguments
  • engage with questions of belief, value, morality, purpose, truth; and their influence on human life
  • reflect on and develop your own values, beliefs and attitudes in the light of what you have learnt and prepare for life in a pluralistic society

Outline of GCSE syllabus content - the GCSE course specification in Religious Studies has 2 components:

1. The Study of Religion, focusing on:

  • Christianity and Islam

2. Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies, focusing on:

  • Relationships and Families
  • Religion and Life
  • Religion, Peace and Conflict
  • Religion, Crime and Punishment

GCSE Assessment

There will be two written examination papers, each lasting one hour and forty five minutes.
The papers will be made up of compulsory questions focusing on knowledge, understanding and evaluation.

As our GCSE course specification states “Religious Studies provides opportunities for learners to understand more about the world, the religious challenges it faces and their place within it. Following this GCSE course will deepen understanding of religions and their effect on society.

The RE Department co-ordinate trips to conferences looking at ethical and philosophical issues. Guest speakers often enhance the RE curriculum.

Bishop Luffa School has been awarded the RE Quality Mark Gold Award.

GCSE Religious Studies exam specification information